Sunday 11 May 2014

Spanish GP - "Pretty close for comfort"

Not much to write about for this race.  It was a bit of a procession with a couple of exceptions, see below.


Bottas' start - I wasn't sure whether his start just looked great against Grosjean and Ricciardo, who went nowhere but the many replays reassured me that it was excellent.
8th gear - who knew?
Vettel - finally worth watching in races.  Earned you points for fastest lap and most places made up from grid position.
Intra-team racing - as seen at Ferrari and Mercedes.  Without it the procession rolls on.


Danny O'Sullivan? - answers on a postcard
Pitlane radio - nowhere near as good as it used to be
Hamilton - what a whingebottom
Massa - put him in a decent car and still he loses places
Baby Pitstop - refusing to show any signs of leaving the garage

Spanish GP Results

1. Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes - 518
2. The Mercs - 399
3. The Hopefuls - 332
4. Mercrari Hulkenassa - 312
5. The Pitstop Princess - 305
6. No Vices Now - 275
7. Hippy F1 - 269
8. The View from the Back of the Grid - 260
9. League of Extraordinary Pay Drivers - 251
10. Red Bull goes Brazil Nuts!! - 219
11. The Baldy Biker - 193
12. Magnussen Benz Over Button - 124
13. Beauty & the F1 Geek  - 121
14. Hopefully Prancing Horses not Donkeys - 115

Honourable mention to Magnussen Benz Over Button who scored our first zero of the season!