Monday, 30 August 2010

Belgian Banter

Another exciting race yet fairly fruitless for the Pitstop Princess. It followed a heart-stopping qualifying where Williams pipped Mercedes into the top 10. Then to the race, following Webber's atrocious start, one Williams was lost on lap 2. Barrichello celebrated 300 race starts by proving that starting is easy, finishing is much harder and you hamper your chances if you drive into other competitors.

Conspiracy theorists may wonder whether Massa missing his starting box on the grid and potentially getting penalised was a canny way for Ferrari to get Alonso ahead of him without any media wrath.

Williams went on to have a drivesomething problem with the Hulk's car, ruining another promising race weekend. Other lowlights include Vettel's (or Baby Schumi) attempts to prove that there is only one German on the grid that can really pull dangerous driving manoeuvres and poor Kubica overshooting his pitbox and losing 2nd place.

What did I enjoy in the race? Petrov's rise through the pack. Senna's super spins. Lucky Lewis holding it all together through the gravel trap. Mr Pitstop Princess's comments during the race. As a newbie he wondered if the pitlane is where Power Rangers retire to when they are too fat to fight evil and whether the Belgian clapping ladies were wearing sashes to collect badges on.

Forgive the omission of the charts this week, school is too busy for such trifles but I would have included post-holiday tans on the Chart of Lust and Ledgard being on a time-delay on the Chart of Loathing.

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