Sunday, 10 July 2011

Silverstone Charts

Chart of Lust

1. (new entry) Wet (ish) qualifying - three good reasons: Hamilton 10th, Maldonado 7th, Webber 1st
2. (new entry) Vettel's helmet design incorporating the faces of his enginneers - noble
3. (new entry) Damon Hill - everywhere, all credit due and looking more and more like George Harrison every day
4. (new entry) Flasks of tea - ah, our home grand prix
5. (new entry) Nice cardi - Murray Walker

Chart of Loathing

1. (new entry) Team orders - "Maintain the gap Mark" - they might be legal but they're not loved
2. (new entry) Old men - naming no names, retire, your whippersnapper teammates are showing you up
3. (new entry) BBC's futuristic Silverstone package - fundamentally failing to understand the appeal of Silverstone and it's heritage
4. (re-entry) McLaren's qualifying outfits - still look like jesters
5. (re-entry) Clapping ladies - this time dressed as building society cashiers, I thought they were supposed to be sexily attired or is this Moseley's other fetish?

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