Monday, 12 October 2015

Russian GP - "What the **** can you do?"


Horner quotes - "Eddie is talking out of his a**e"
Walking free from big crashes - Sainz and Grosjean
Ushankas for the podium - well, the drivers seemed very please with them


Perry quotes - 15 degrees is "very cool".   Sainz had a "spectacular crash".
Poor qualifying - Kvyat 11th, Massa 15th.  And did it lead to exciting racing as they made their way up through the grid...?
Rosberg out - too early and dashing the chances of a championship climax
Return of the moving chicanes - or, as is says on their garage wall, McLarens
A shame - Sainz and Ricciardo
Raising our hopes - radio to Hamilton: "suspect performance from the rear not use DRS" - amounted to nothing
Writing "Perez denied Force India's third ever podium" too soon
Raikkonen - boo
Putin the podium room - making it actually less awkward then usual

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